26 February 2009

An addendum to "A Day at the Salon"

Today marks RR day. Don't know what it stands for but it's evidently a largely celebrated concept here. Something about the digits in today's date bringing fortune.... Some people dress in traditional Chinese attire and dance around the central district. Others light fireworks throughout the day and into the dark skies at night. Still others manifest their superstitious belief that to get a haircut brings a year of fortune.
My roommate was one of the latter. She went to the same salon that turned my head into an orange. As a Mexican American she has course hair, dark as potting soil and highlighted blonde, just beyond shoulder length. Since the stylist didn't seem to recall the element of symmetry when trimming her locks, she will not be returning.
We have agreed to travel to Beijing or another cosmopolitan city that's entered the 21st century of hair styling and has experience in Western hair styles.
While she did end up having to take scissors to her some strands inadvertently left longer than others, at least she didn't end up looking like an orange. However, he did learn from his lesson in undercharging me; he asked how much it would cost if she had it done in the States. Ooops. Her year of good fortune seems to have a sense of humor.

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