30 April 2009

This is Jack, my Chinese teacher. Each day at lunchtime he determinedly teaches me Chinese and, in exchange, I teach him sardonic retorts.

Older women and a few men gather daily for some exercise. I don't know why they wear colorful, matching clothing, but it does make for a lovely sight. Live musicians stand aside and play the tunes to which they perform/exercise in synch. Something to still get excited over when I witness it.

Evidently Pepsi is in the business of covering up the naughty bits in China. I wonder if you buy them in aluminum or plastic.

Some of the girls after they embarrassed themselves singing a song about Beijing to teach me about their culture. A moving moment, for sure.

This is a proud papa of a Little Emperor. He and his family were just a few of the hundreds of people watching me and Daniel at the XingCheng train station as we tried to purchase train tickets and find a 25-yuan cab into Huludao. The entire train depot was watching us. Another time when you're not sure if you're an extra-terrestrial alien or a celebrity. After prolonged moments of this you start to feel like Sean Penn with paparazzi.

29 April 2009

Little diddy about the girls

The Chinese are plagued with bad eyesight. So much so, in fact, that the government wants schools to implement daily eye exercises. Any teacher may estimate that half her or his students wear classes. (And many Westerners purchases glasses here because the frames and lenses are comparatively inexpensive.) The predominant need for eye glasses has caused them to be a favorite accoutrement. Not many boys male students do it but several females– despite their good vision– wear frames sans lenses. Then there lies a contradiction. It’s not clear whether they are too poor to procure them, too “busy” to procure them, or too reticent to admit the need for them, several students simply won’t change their prescriptions or even buy any glasses at all. It seems to make as much sense as going for a nude walk in the midst of a blizzard, yet it’s ubiquitously apparent.
“I can’t see it clearly,” several female students say about words they’re asked to pronounce from the board. Now, there are various angles from which to consider this act. You don’t ask why they don’t merely move to a spot from which they can see the board. You don’t ask why they sit in the very back of the class (the answer: they’re uncomfortable with the subject, their abilities or the teacher). You don’t ask anything. Instead, you wait. The class grows uncomfortable, shifting half-blind eyes from the teacher to the mute, defiant student. Quickly enough a nearby student prods her lazy counterpart with the answer, clandestinely slipping her dictionary or the answer on a torn piece of paper across the desk.
There are several similar tricks to try to force the teacher to proceed to the next student. Each time they’re used it begs the question: how dumb do they think we are?
“I didn’t bring my book,” is another common method of thwarting the teacher’s efforts. This is usually when a teacher will simply look at the student, laboring not to demonstrate how disgusted with boredom she is. “Then share with another,” is her response, loathe at the fact that these students wouldn’t have done this already after reading aloud for 25 minutes.
One personal favorite is the defense, “It’s too difficult”. Students frequently use this one when they can’t pronounce a word or don’t want to flex the grey matter between their skull bones. “Lots of things in life are though. But look at me, I’m still going.” It sounds like something your parents would have said when you’re learning to ride a bike or learn calculus. It’s not quite a “Go on, champ. You can do it!” It’s more like “The arrogance of youth is a privilege that you’ll eventually relinquish.”

22 April 2009

Mental travels through a window

“A mental traveler hasn’t the need to eat or sleep... or entertain,” says Karen Blixen, played by Meryl Streep in Out of Africa. In more recent words, Frances Mayes wrote, “When we put ourselves down in a foreign place for a period of time, we begin to change, like it or not. We begin to see how the people who live there were shaped by the place, even as we feel ourselves being shaped.” Sometimes we do witness these changes in the process of being shaped by another one. Be it through a window, a camera lens, a pen, or an email we reflect on these changes and share them with the world.
I’m sitting in a college classroom, preparing to teach Chinese students about Earth Day, when I lose myself in the folds of a red flag fluttering in the spring wind. It’s one of those stolen, unstructured moments that transports you. It’s not one of daydreaming, per say. It’s one of mental travel.
I think back to the hours, the days, the weeks and months spent unemployed and alone in my Chicago apartment. In this state your mind has nothing but space and time to travel to places you wouldn’t likely visit in more lucrative conditions. Thanks to the nondimensional frontier of the Internet, a brief journey led to the rediscovery of a former flame. Suddenly I’m transported thousands of miles and 14 years into history. We are celebrating the fruits of our efforts on planning Earth Day 1995 at our university. Why was he so surprised when I called it quits? At that time in my life I guess I thought everyone knew what I thought by virtue of the fact that I thought it. (I’ve since learned that no, not everything I think or do is as common as I figured it to be. Neither is everything I feel obvious to everyone– or in many cases, to anyone. Verbal communication has since become my ally.) We grew apart when I began shaving again, using makeup, and wearing clothes less hippie, more young professional American girl. “He’s never going anywhere. I have big plans,” I thought to myself, already planning where I’d venture after college life. He left, going home first to New York, then out to California, and finally back to New York. There he practices massage therapy and related healing arts. The hippie side is still present, even if his long hair and dough boy physique aren’t. Here I’m teaching English. My hippie side is present, obviated by unshaven underarms and legs, though my 21-year-old physique isn’t.
Flying 30,000 miles high in the sky on a 26-hour flight between Chicago and Beijing, my thoughts sway from the new chapter of life awaiting me. The uninhabitable scenery below reveals nothing but small white mountains and icebergs upon icebergs. But like the red construction flags across from the university building, I don’t see it. I see myself on another international flight, this one to India from Miami. The 30,000-foot elevation offers views resplendent enough to bring tears to my eyes. Who knows where we were except to say the Middle East. Dirt roads wind around sandy mountains mentioned in the Bible and the Koran. I imagine horse-drawn carts carrying millet and various beans. Time seems to have stopped there and I get lost in it. A split second of sorrow flashes through me: everyone else on the flight is asleep and therefore missing this divine image. Time gets lost somewhere, and the next stop on the journey, a restroom or exercise break, shifts the scenery below to reveal water with heavenly brightness and clarity. This is the kind of beauty that inspires home-owners to laboriously beautify their multi-million-dollar houses in Florida, where I lived at the time and wrote about as a freelance journalist covering architecture and interior design. Little did I know when stealing these sublime sights of the beguiling sea that I would welcome a new kind of love, a love found only in the world’s spiritual center: India.
The university where I’m teaching is undergoing a facelift. Crews dressed like an army troop chip away the quarter-inch-thick brick tile facade off the administration buildings. A second group labors on the skeleton that will be the new gymnasium. Yet another group, dressed in what looks like more formal military gear, replaces the sand-eroded and wind-blown landscaping. Cranes rise on the neighboring, non-university property in a number seemingly large enough to be called a sedge. I cannot help but find myself a vantage point where I watch it, mentally traveling out of time and space. After who knows how long, something happens to jolt me from the bliss of watching development and change take place before my eyes and I’m turning, walking to catch the bus which will carry me to my temporary home– but not before I’m mentally journeying transported to another country and another time. For hours one day in India, watching the construction of another storey on the guest house where I’m staying, I become a self-imposed babysitter for a little girl and boy. They are evidently the children of the women who work with the precision of an automated assembly line on the construction site. How could anyone watch these women, sweating with the heat and humidity of a South Indian summer, with anything but awe and admiration? Fascinated with the precision at which they carry to each other plates of wet concrete on their heads, I begin to stealing the moment though my digital camera. These I show the children who in turn watch me with honestly sweet wonderment, a wonderment that grows when shown the photos I’m shooting. They begin monkeying around like the little ornery monkeys I’ve learned to steer clear of in this country. It’s a Virginia Woolfian circle of entertaining one another until the construction hours seem over and I relieve myself of my duties to check email.
I am in an Internet bar. Emails are flying in from all over America. Friends and coworkers are desperately concerned for my safety after they’d heard of the terrorist attacks in a train in Mumbai. Thinking that they haven’t bothered to check a map and see that where I am in Chennai is too far across the country to be shaken by a bomb, I chuckle. I cannot, however, claim to be coldly unaffected by their love and attention. The right thing to do is to send them some seconds-old shots of the children and the sari-adorned women. This is my way of answering their call. This is my way to tell them what I’ve learned: if I hadn’t made this journey halfway across the world alone, if I hadn’t been able to absolutely leave behind the career that had become my husband, I wouldn’t have been able to experience the love that palpably permeates India. I may never have found the love within myself to think emails like those of my friends were anything important at all. India marked the furthest I’d ever gotten away from my homeland. It also marked the closest I ever got to the home within myself.
On the sidewalks of many more countries I will travel, and through the windows of taxis and trains. Other buildings I will watch rise and fall. Other excursions into the past and future I will make on the Internet and books. More pictures will be taken, blog posts typed. Changes will come and I will get further from my American self as other places shape me. And forever will I be somewhere with a moment stolen to mentally travel somewhere else.

20 April 2009

An ESL recommendation

Check out my roommate Keith's ESL web site. Not only is it visually appealing, it's a sensitive and informative site about what classes and teaching are like, without being droll or self-absorbed. Plus it has cute jokes and changing daily tidbits.

19 April 2009

Generosity Abounds

I’ve discussed the duplicity of the Chinese in earlier posts, but it would be unfair to ignore the generosity of this culture, too. In most cases I have witnessed this with my students.
The students often add a bit of grace to my days here in semi-rural China.
They often bring me snacks or treats and sometimes have even been known to buy me a Coke from the campus convenience store. It’s not uncommon for students to ask me to lunch and then to pay for it before I even get my wallet out!
“Oh you use chopsticks so well,” one student says during one of these lunches.
“Really?” I think of my supervisor’s wife who can use chopsticks rather than her own hands to make spring rolls. “Well, whenever we eat Chinese food in America, we use chopsticks. So maybe I’ve had some practice.”
“Oh, I see. Some Chinese people can’t use chopsticks well as you,” she says, still watching me.
The other day I misstepped on the bus and have been hobbling around since. I couldn’t take one clumsy hobble into class without my students’ excitedly and concernedly asking “What’s wrong?” “What happened?” Two of my male students went to their dorm room between classes to fetch a bottle of Chinese medicine. Its smell is similar to Tiger Balm (a natural form of BenGay) because it contains camphor and menthol-like herbs and other ingredients. They instructed me to pour some of the thick red liquid on my palm and rub it briskly onto my swollen ankle.
“Do this in three hours. Not more than three times a day,” says Tony, who looks like a rock star meets Chinese Elvis Costello with his spiked hair and glasses. Wouldn’t you know? The fluid, which literally contains Chinese spices such as those I like to fuel my homemade spring rolls, really works. I felt relief the first time I used it. After hobbling around for three more days, I finally put some of it in a bucket of hot water to soak my foot, again to more relief.
Over Qing Ming (sounds like tsing ming) Day, a three-day holiday that includes a tomb sweeping day, I invited a foursome of girls, who are not in my classes though they sit in on them every Thursday, to my apartment. They were so honored that they brought dumplings, dragon fruit (because they know it’s my favorite) and beer. We played mah jong, watched a film and enjoyed dinner and conversation until they had to return to their dorm before lights out. (More about the ringleader of this foursome in a later post.)
When I’m having trouble figuring out how to use some of my newly learned Chinese or can’t recall a word, they’re eager to help, always cheering me on, often clapping with large smiles.
“I teach you English,” I say, sometimes blushing with their exuberance of my childish efforts. “And you teach me Chinese. See, we’re both learning.”
I still have a lot to learn about this culture, I hope to reciprocate their assistance and generosity.

18 April 2009

Testing and health

This weekend I’m thinking about a number of my students because they will take a nationalized test. The test wearies them, keeps them up for days, and worries them into believing they won’t get their degree. Most won’t pass it. In fact, most will have to take it multiple times.
The students can’t be bothered to do homework, let alone to study for the benefit of it. Americans would reconsider their complaints about their own school system if they spent one week in Chinese schools. Studying and homework is not a part of their culture. (You ight have read my earlier post on preaching to the inmates.) Nevertheless, these students are concerned enough about this test that they buy numerous study guides. They try to sneak extra study time in my classes.
One group of my students asked earlier this week if we could skip the lesson I’d planned to focus on their test. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t initially appalled by the idea. But because I’ve talked with them and practiced with them for weeks for this test, I opted to delay my lesson plan until next week. The focus instead was on writing and vocabulary, the parts of the test that will surely overwhelm them.
Weeks ago I began to research this test. How could I implement practice for the test into my weekly plans? They were not thrilled by practicing during class over the first few weeks. Yet they learned. And their efforts will surely pay off. How glorious I felt when I began to see a marked improvement in their writing and vocabulary!
Over the last school week, for my favorite students, my lesson plan and the course book coincided beautifully. We came to a chapter in the course book on physical and mental health. I rounded out the book work, implementing some yoga and meditation practices, teaching them to pay attention to their breathing, and encouraging them to eat healthily this week to aid their test performance. For two nights before the test I’m thinking about them, meditating for their good performance and confidence, for their health and achievement.
They have, after all, become “my girls”.

17 April 2009

Diplomacy and fireworks

“They are just so sensitive about their culture,” says the Western teacher from Ohio.
“They asked me what I did for Spring Festival (the two-week-long Chinese New Year), and I told them I was in Panjin when the fireworks started. I was. They started around 9, 10 at night, and they went on all night. I mean all night. They started at one part of the city and soon enough the fireworks were coming from all directions. It was around the clock,” he says. “My students looked at me with big smiles, nodding their heads. ‘Yeah! Yeah!’ they said.”
“Fireworks all night? Must have made it difficult to sleep,” I say, imagining the loud booms, the cracks, the bams, the sizzles.
I quickly recall thinking it silly that the Chinese light fireworks in the middle of the day, despite the fact they cannot see the sky art. But they don’t care. They do it for simple reason: because they can. They do it because they like the sound. It’s almost a daily occurrence to hear firecrackers. On my first nights here I was transfixed by the glow of ephemeral light against the myriad windows of the identical rows of residential mid-rises surrounding me. The colors illuminate the windows, which already seem phosphorescent to me because each unit bears seemingly different colored lights for each room. Looking at the residences was like looking at an art installation of light, like a painter had placed his palette on vertical glass and sprinkled luminary spices on it from the heavens. The echoes through the rows and rows of buildings added an aural background, rounding out the experience as percussion rounds out an acoustic band.
“Well, I don’t remember sleeping badly, but I did have a helluva headache the next day, and the air was awful. All the sulfur from the fireworks was just so thick,” says the Ohioan, his ice blue eyes like another color from the fireworks spectrum. “But when I told my students that I thought they were going to cry. Their faces just sunk like they were crestfallen. They were so sensitive because I had indicated anything other than some sort of jubilant excitement over the fireworks.”
The Chinese, as we Westerners vaguely know, have many symbols of luck and prosperity. One of them is the dragon. I’ve read in numerous places that the Chinese use fireworks to awaken a mythological dragon who flies across the sky to make it cry, therefore commencing spring and its rains for this highly agricultural culture. The noise of firecrackers wards off evil spirits (if not a few Western spirits), too.
The Chinese are indeed sensitive about their culture. I’ve witnessed what the Ohioan meant. But then again, when someone comes to your country and doesn’t praise one of its customs, you’d be a bit miffed to, eh? You can always follow American’s Republican stance: If you don’t like it, get out.
The Ohioan is a tolerant, open-minded guy with lots of life experience. So don’t assume that he was being an arrogant American. Let his experience serve as an example that in some places even diplomacy doesn’t rate compared to faux praise.

15 April 2009

Judging Distance

On the bus, the Ohioan among our group judges where he is in relation in our apartment by stops. That is, coming home from teaching we exit at the fourth stop from the university. However, it wouldn’t occur to me to judge distance that way. I place my location by architecture.
Our residential complex, a labyrinth of oppressively identical three-story buildings, take their one and only optimistic cue from n occasional and erratic gable painted pastel. Metal arches bearing colored lightbulbs arc over the mini-streets throughout. We have as of yet to see them alight; they do not light my way home at night.
The complex is the building to come after what looks to be yet another college, at the front corner of which is a police station no bigger than a bus. It’s not officially a stop, but people who evidently work in the possibly academic building, usually get on there.
We can take the same bus into the commercial center of Xingcheng (sounds like Sing Chung). I don’t know to count how many stops it is from our apartment, but I do know that, if we wish to get on another bus that takes us to Huludao, the next and bigger city, we get off adjacent to a public park and a billboard apparently advertising the joys of military life.
If we take a bus into Huludao from the university we can get off at the public sculpture that decorates the roundabout, and from there we can walk to a single-story strip-mall like building to get to the bar that caters to Westerners.
It’s not just that my life compass used to revolve around architecture, it’s something perhaps more practical. I can’t convince myself to count stops when the bus often stops at undesignated places. Sometimes one or a few people, who are far from the nondescript walls that indicate a bus stop, will simply signal the bus as they see it coming.
I wish my fellow Ohioan ease and utility in counting stops. It sounds a good idea in theory, one I likely would have used in Chicago when riding the El (if I weren’t so busy making visual love to that great city’s architecture). For me, however, architecture signifies regions and countries, socioeconomic levels and public-versus-private, it’s a way of gaging where life has taken you and what’s around the bend.

13 April 2009

What is racism?

As an American woman of German-Irish descent I’ve never experienced racism. Even in my travels to other countries. I certainly didn’t expect to find it in China. But then again, the thought had never crossed my mind. Heck, I’m still getting used to the fact that people stop and stare at me when I pass.
Several incidences, however, have brought racism raining down on us Western teachers. While the locals want to stare in amazement and try their best to speak even one word of English to us, they can turn around five minutes later and stab us with the racism dagger.
It became most apparent when four of us Western teachers were banned from the bus that takes us to from school. Weeks after the fact, we still don’t know exactly what broke the camel’s back of the Chinese teachers who shared the university’s bus. We are told repeatedly that they’re frustrated because we make more money than they do, which is in fact true.
I noticed a storm brewing when we were repeatedly relegated to sitting on the sticky, dirty floor that has evidently never met a broom or mop. It escalated when none of the attractive young teachers would even speak to the equally attractive Latina of our group who wanted to more than befriend them. (In Asian countries it’s considered quite a feat for a man to shag a Western woman, and lately I’ve witnessed that young Asian girls will do anything to get a Western man’s attention.)
About 20 people, four of us Westerners crammed onto the bus at 7:20 am and 5 pm. This bus has been arranged for us. It takes us the 25-minute route from Huludao to Xingcheng, where our university is. Usually the Chinese teachers at our bus stop would ensure their seats, suspiciously always finding ways to always beat us to them. No matter where we stood at the bus stop. No matter how early we arrived there. One teacher from New Zealand never once had a seat, which proved quite a hassle for his tall stature and quite dangerous as he’d be the first to fly through the windshield in a wreck. Latina Laura always sat on my lap if we did per chance have a seat. The other Westerner, an Irish woman, wouldn’t have conceived of sharing a seat when she did in fact secure one. Standing meant trying to make your neck and knees limber like sailors with sea legs or tennis fans. The rickety, speedy metal contraption that bore a can of instant engine started in the broken open glove compartment might ram into another vehicle or a person at any point. Or so we noticed on numerous occasions.
Many bad looks were exchanged. Nary a word was spoken– kind or otherwise between those Chinese teachers who teach English. I finally asked our supervisor, a fellow American, why we were treated like second class citizens.
“You are?” he asked, despite having witnessed several English teachers who’d ridden the bus with almost jubilant glee and legendary popularity. “I’ve never had this problem before. Let me get to the bottom of this.”
Finally after some five weeks of sharing the bus with locals frustrated by our wage difference, word had spread that they were trying to ban us. It happened after school on a Monday afternoon.
Get off the Bus
Through some finagling of our schedule that day, three of us Western teachers manage to land individual seats. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. Some local teachers ware already on. Some seats remain open.
Audibly entrenched in the song streaming into my ears from my headphones, I glance out the window (which also may never have seen cleaning materials) and see the ringleader of the local furiously dialing on her cell phone. She’s steps away from the bus. But instead of talking directly to us about her group’s peeve, we soon enough learn that she’s calling our supervisor.
The locals start filing out of the bus. As they walk past Laura’s front seat perch, the little Latina Who Could yells at them like the second coming of Rosa Parks.
“Go ahead. Get off! You.. now you... yes, you too. Come on! Get off!” Her deep brown eyes are open only slightly smaller than her angry mouth. Her voice is bigger than both.
I remove my headphones, fully reentering the scene’s atmosphere when Laura answers her phone, still shouting. The Irish teacher and I watch in shock and humor.
Then there goes the bus driver.
While I’m trying to figure out why the only people left on the bus are white, Laura’s still shouting into the phone as she slams the bus door shut, and the Irish teacher indicates something she thinks is gold.
“Look! The keys are still in the ignition,” she says.
I look at her as if to say, “And do what with them? Speed off? Do you expect us to instantly learn how to drive this thing– through reckless Chinese traffic no less?”
This is how you turn a boycott into high jinks and mayhem.
“It’s too crowded?” Laura shots into her phone. This one takes me for a loop. Having ridden the local buses I’ve witnessed their overcrowding. This excuse is so invalid I’m beginning to see why China isn’t yet more powerful after thousands of years of history. In the most overpopulated country on the planet, the teachers’ excuse that the bus was too crowded doesn’t carry weight.
I look out the window to see all the teachers standing beside the bus, their collective countenance somewhere between cowardice and frustration.
At this time, fortunately, our fourth bus-riding Westerner arrives and sticks his head into the bus. Because he speaks Chinese he discovers quickly that there’s no way we’re getting home that day– or likely ever again– on that bus. He manages to talk Laura and Ireland off the bus with no harm or foul and I follow, riding a wave of confusion that preempts any sense of personal affront I might have felt. And just as quickly the four of us are scuttling away in a taxi.
Laura’s still prattling on. Ireland’s still talking about escaping with the bus. New Zealand teeters, making comments like “Someone’s going to pay for this” on one hand, and “Well, you just can’t negotiate with the Chinese once they’ve made up their mind.”
The cost of racism
It might be wrong of us to blame it on racism. But then it might not. (We may never know what was the real cause.) We know for sure we’re being discriminated against when we’re overcharged by taxi drivers, street vendors or retailers.
If a native person asks the rate between places x and y she will pay a rate, say 15 quay. (RMB), whereas if a Westerner asks for the rate, it’d be 20, 25 if you appear absolutely new to the place. Rather than take the fare at the local rate, taxi drivers prefer not to take you at all. This amazes me to the point of frustration. I tell the drivers or vendors or retailers this constantly, though of course because they don’t speak a word of English, they cannot and will not understand. In part I speak as a thwarted Westerner who refuses to be taken advantage of; I also speak as one who comes from a capitalist society. “Fine,” I tell them, “if you’d rather sit in this cab and not make any money, it’s your loss.” Fortunately to this point there has always been another cab driver who isn’t as greedy, or racist, or whatever else you might call it.
This weekend a fellow Midwesterner accompanied me to the electronics market to locate an external hard drive. We searched in three stalls in the flea market-like shopping center. The prices ranged from 380 to 450 RMB (about $57 to $67). Later that evening the Australian teacher in our group said that in another town he’d purchased his, with twice the storage space, for less than 250 RMB.
“How did you do that?” I asked, still amazed and somewhat more hopeful that buying this device wouldn’t deplete my whole monthly earnings.
“I speak Chinese,” he said. “You walk in there and they see a couple of Westerners. They’re gonna take advantage of you.”
This from a guy who’s skin color is somewhere between builders white and milk white, and whose Chinese (I’m told) is terrible. Then again, I’ve seen this silly guy try to convince cab drivers that he’s Chinese.
“Even if he had yellow skin, slanted eyes and almost black hair, no one from China would believe he’s Chinese because of his bad Mandarin,” one Westerner told me.
Again, there is no telling why the price difference was so escalated, but I do plan to bring a Chinese person with me the next time I seek a major purchase.

07 April 2009

Money woes: an international woe

"I didn't come to China to be worried about money," my supervisor lamented Friday night on the way to too much baijo. "If I wanted to worry about money, I'd have stayed in the States."
The baijo Friday night certainly helped to numb the reality of being impoverished in a third-world country. The liquor I would call something as wretched as Everclear or Maddog 20/20 but my North Carolinian supervisor can give a dissertation on how it's much more like moonshine. I'll take his word for it.
Worrying about money has become conversation du jour, especially for some of us.
Some of us haven't yet been paid after six weeks of work by our employing university. One Western teacher discusses his woes of having 300 RMB (about $50) before being paid last week for a month's work at his employing school.
I haven't had a paycheck since my last freelance project ended in September, 2008. Thanks to the help of some friends and family I got by, but not before being evicted from my apartment and having my car relocated. Thanks also to the help of welfare services that provided free psychiatric/psychotherapeutic and food assistance. That was what it was like to be broke in America.
I hadn't asked for it but one friend was smart enough to give me some cash before I came to China so that when I arrived I had a whopping $89. That was eight weeks ago. Since, I've continued a life so frugal I could show ascetics a tip or two. It sucks not having wine, but if it means I can eat the next day, so be it. It's beguiling using my feminine wiles (and other less gender-oriented methods) to finagle a beer or even lunch. I'm accustomed to doing myself a great disservice by paying for my own drinks during dates or otherwise proving my extreme independence by shelling out bucks when someone else is more than willing to pay. I never learned the things my parents, both bankers, taught me about money when growing up; that is, I never learned to like money enough to keep it around. I did, however, learn to buy food, gas and cigarettes with $3.
I used to say that money is the root of all evil until someone helped clarify that: love of money is the root of all evil. That's nice. Yes, I concur. That must be why ascetics never carry a cabbage roll of it. Penniless is next to godliness. Does that mean I'm closer to god? I hope not, because carrying around $.50 in China doesn't make you feel holy. (Albeit it keeps your capitalistic sentiments at bay.)
Meanwhile, waiting for payday, which is three days from now, I have accepted a friend's loan of 50 quay (about $8). It's been split smartly between transportation, food for three days, and (of course) cigarettes and beer. I await the opportunity to have a full cabinet of food. I await the chance to buy toilet paper and pay utilities. I await the ability to repay my friends while sipping what's called wine here in China.
And if my roommates decide my momentary inability to help pay for transportation to and from work get annoyed, well, they can go make themselves feel better by continuing their consumer lifestyle here in this third-world country.
Too many arguments begin over financial matters, and I'd rather not pursue that convention. After all, it's a matter of priorities. Money will always come. Money will always go. Priorities and patience will persist, regardless.

03 April 2009

The Divorce

The opportunity to move to China deserves a word none other than serendipitous. The caesura between the happy marriage that was my freelance journalism career and solitude and the life I lead now didn’t come overnight, jsut as a divorce doesn’t; the end of the line was visible as a day’s disappearance in a sunset. “For without death how can there be spring?” Thomas Mann wrote in The Black Swan. Something had to change. i knew it did, and I knew it would. A void stared at me through the misty peaceful haze that meditation and yoga brought. It stared at me when coming up for air from the intense focus that is writing, giving me the bends. It stared at me from the space of my queen sized bed, though I knew it wasn’t just loneliness. This void felt like a blank wall I couldn’t find the right art piece for. Only in moments of travel and planning for yet more travels did the void close in on me, warming me like a fire on a wintry Chicago night or a humid day in India.
There was something soothing about the anonymity of travel. Traveling is the only proper way to lose yourself in the pursuit of answers to life’s quandaries. It is only when leaving home that you can understand what home is, just as it is when medical emergencies bring you closer to appreciating the preciousness of your own shell. The ambitious years I spent tying to make a name for myself in the world of architectural journalism involved trips around the States. I foolishly continued that ambition when visiting India and Costa Rica and nearly ruined both trips until (again) medical situations forced me to stop working. I coudl not separate my career from the rest of my life. My life was my career. It caused the demise of relationships and financial devastation. My ultiamte goal was to travel the world, writing aotu architecture. I was jsut learning how to make my career pay for my travels and had almost year’s worth of travel plans to various cities across the States when teh structure tht was my life started crumbling around me. Now matter how hard I worked at it, I would not work myself around the economic downturn.
I moved from a spacious apartment designed by a bona fide architect in Sarasota, Florida, to my uncle’s cabin in rural Indiana. That was a strangely good thing. It would save money and free me from worry about paying a large chunk of my income to the expenses fo complete self-sufficience and I could focus on th job offers that were coming in from around the country. I coudl get my name in bigger publications and expand my international contact list. I could save some money to start traveling abroad again. That’s not how life saw it. The offers ceased and my established contracts were drying up. Then my uncle made sexual advances and threw me out for thwarting them. My own father, with whom I’d been trying to resurrect an all-but-defunct relationship, denied my account, opting instead to defend his brother and blame it on me. Those were bad things.
I manifested the silver lining of that cloud by moving to Chicago, where I was ironically supposed to visit and secure a freelance contract three days later. I secured the contract and an apartment within a few weeks, which were good things. But there was no work to be found, not in freelance or full-time journalism, not even in third, fourth, fifth– tenth– choice income sources. i sought work in bartending and at homegoods retailers. Alas, I doubt I coudl have gotten work as a prostitute or drug pusher.
The cost of self-sufficiency was choking me, draining what little retirement investments I had left. My beloved career had failed me. The five years I’d spent married to it (and countless years dreaming about such a life beforehand) seemed as wasted as my energy. Then the depression reared its head like never before, and I fell into an abyss that ended in a psychiatric ward.
The week of Christmas found me back at my computer, blogging a little about architecture to find some semblance of intellectual pleasure and trying fervently to upgrade my professional skills by becoming Web 3.0 savvy. Flipping for the 232nd time through Craigslist and other employment outlets I spotted an ad seeking English teachers in Asia. Within a week I had two job offers. I stopped blogging about architecture. I stopped reading about it. I tried to stop thinking about it, which was virtually imposible while walking through my neighborhood full of Victorians. Remorse set in about our love affair coming to an end. But it let me down in too many ways. I couldn’t continue giving to something that seemed determine to abandon me. There coems a time when pursuing one’s ambitions becomes foolish. If I was to travel the world and write, it would not be abotu architecture. I might marry an architect. I might visit certain cities or live in them because of my inspiration from their architecture. We could be friends. We could no longer be lovers.
Somehow, like the first indications of a new day that slip into your windows at sunrise, the void began to dissipate. Six weeks later I took my first steps toward a new relationship, one of travel and writing. Seven weeks into my residence in Huludao, a small city in northeastern China, a fellow English teacher, who hails from New Zealand, stopped me to poke into my lexical mind, which seems to trouble and intrigue him.
“What is a fenestration?” asks the lanky, dirty blond 20-something with speech so articulate it’s sometimes confused with a British dialect.
A twinge of emotional pain felt like a thorn prick. “An architectural term.”
“Of course. Leave it to the architecture writer,” quips my Texan roommate, a gorgeous Latina with a temper that rarely but entertainingly arises.
I kept my green eyes lowered, preventing the Western teachers around me from seeing that even the mention of an architectural word hurts. I won’t tell them that I also love the words aperture, turret, demilune, curvilinear. I won’t tell them I miss the sexiness of walking onto construction sites with builders, developers, and engineers and the semi-sexual stimulation I feel just hanging out in design offices. if writing about architecture was my marriage, scouting out architecture is foreplay and talking about architecture is full-blown sex. No. I won’t tell them this. For, just as years after a divorce some people find themselves trying to figure out when their marriage started slipping away, I could not escape that I was still in love with architecture. I will be for life.
As I explained to my university students the next day, on long drives my favorite thing to do is think about the architecture of words, the ascenders and descenders of my favorite words, allowing myself to brainstorm on words and finding the architecture within. Words to me look like miniature buildings. In a page of text I see rivers and skylines, great lakes or canyons. Words house me. They are my refuge, my recreation, my profit and my pride. They are the very reason I awaken every morning. They were the source of my recovery in the psych ward.
Words are my vehicle. Writing have been my fuel since I was able to write the alphabet. Now, however, they are not confined to buildings. Now, the world is my space. I’ve removed the walls I’d formed between myself and words through the objectivity and linearity of journalism to let them curve and swell like the very globe itself, the globe that is my new desk.
This love isn’t perfect. None are. Yet it is one that has been longer coming than a dream of making it as a freelance journalist. It is one that has persisted as long as my writing.

31 March 2009

Scent of a Country

What scents might I consider noxious or attractive when I return to the States? Might I choke at the perfume counters of a department store or find the odorific fumes emitted form fast food restaurants more nauseating than I already do? Having not smelled my own country for months or years, I anticipate I’ll become aware or at least cognizant of some inherently American scents I never recognized or detected. Changes in olfactory sense are common among women, especially during menstruation and pregnancy, as I’ve witnessed with the former. No one should have a sense of smell so highly tned! There are certain things that just shouldn’t be smelled, but I care not to go into detail as the mere scanning of these olfactory iamges across yoru eyes may cause damage to your nose.
Westerners, especially Americans, have this preconceived notion that everything smells bad in other countries. Before I departed for India I was often asked, “Doesn’t it stink there?” How am I supposed to respond to ignorance without calling a spade a spade? I chose to respond as such: “The way I look at it, you either love or hate the smell of India. If you like the smell of Indian food, you’ll like the smell of India.” I happen to love the innumerable spices used by Indians so the smell of that country was more than delightful to me. It’s like being wrapped with sun-warmed bamboo leaves and decorated with a palette of fragrant colors.
People even warned me about Italians before my first trip there. “They don’t bathe,” people said. “They don’t wear deodorant,” others said. Where do people get such images? Espresso’s scent, for instance, is jsut as deep, rich and ripe as the beverage itself, and it puts the scent of American coffees to shame. Italian perfumes are some of hte best in the world and the italians love to use them, only not to the extreme (suffocation) that Americans do. Does that mean that only those you douse themselves in perfume or cologne are said to smell pleasantly? That may be symbolic of America: that its citizens would rather smell somethign artificial than soemthing real. If that’s the case, I want to ask: would you rather smell your lover’s shirt after a long run or smell your lover himself? OK, if you’re not into sweat, let’s consider something else. Would you rather smell the pillow your lover has slept on or your lover herself?
We’d take the real thing in most cases. But with traveling abroad, scents are a part of hte journey. They are instant memory makers. You can be 5,000 miles from your grandmother’s house, and she could have passed 20 years ago, but a scent floats by in the breeze and suddenly your grandmother is standing beside you as a child and youre’ reliving a beloved memory. All because of a scent. Somthing intangible, incaable of beign bottled (no matter how hard scientists try), but able to transport us in our minds to another time and palce. Notice there aren’t many negative associations formed around scents? The only ones I can conjure are artificial ones. For instance, every time I think of a particular cologne it brings to mind a past boyfriend. But first I have to cut through the positive assocaitions before recalling that that boyfriend is an ex for a reason. Anyway, back to traveling. I’m not so sure that scents and odors should be judged so harshley as many Westerners tend to do when traveling abroad. Countries possess their own scents. I cherish the lemony and perfumy fragrances of Italy, and I cherish the earthy, enveloping scents of India. I don’t recall the bad odors.
it’s almost as if we’ve been programmed to believe that if it doesnt come out of a can, shaker, bottle or other container then it cannot possible smell good; that it must be covered up. I disagree. Sure, I like perfumes. I used Coco Chanel for years, but now that I’m in a developing nation where the price of a bottle of Coco culd feed a Chinese family, I find smelling like the contents of a perfume bottle to be rather...well...superfluous. it suprised me how quickly i started to smell China on myself. Thre days, I think it took, and the first scent I caught was of graham crackers. Granted, I had been munching on a lot of Chinese crackers that taste similar to graham crackers. But the more I thought out it the more I realized that no morsel of American food was in mybody anymore. Memories flooded back of the time a former boyfriend returned to the States from six months in Italy. I’d been subtly appreciative of the slight lemony, musky scent he effected since I picked him up at the airport and hugged him. His sister, however, didnt’ react as affectinately. He removed his winter coat upon entering his family’s house, whereupon she immediately exclaimed “You smell weird!”
Over the next few weeks I rveled in the lemony clean, sweet yet musky scent of his body, and I thoroughly enjoyed it whenever in Italy. I still feel kissed with memories of that country whenever teh refreshing scent of lemon permeates the air. That boyfriend never mentioned anyone discussing his scent, but years later and after several weeks of living in China I wished he had.

Scent is a weird thing, indeed. It often conjures colors for me. For instance, I can tell what my lovers have eaten, espeically if they’ve consumed meat. They come bearing a scent that’s sickly brown, about the color of turkey meat that’s not quite the dark nor wuite the light meat. This highly tuned olfanctory skill has been culminated over 15 years of my being a vegetarian, but lovers come to know each other’s scent naturally. After all, an individual’s scent is a bio-mechanical instrument to guide humans to each other for mating. One reason perfumes never smell natural is because, being manufactured itms, that is made by humans and laboratory science, we will never be quite able to tap into the essence of a scent that makes it work on a base level. We can never recreate what works for us subconsciusly.
Yu’ve likely heard it said in movies, “She just smells like home.” Well, take that sentiment as a direct translation of our human motives: we are guided to one another through a sort of homing mechanism.
“Finally, I just stopped dating black men,” a gay friend once told me. he was recalling a bad story about a breakup he’d had with his last in a string of black boyfriends, when I asked him to expound. IN my mind I see the color blue.
“So it was a race thing?” I don’t know. I’ve never dated someone from another country or been intimate enough with someone from another race to become familiar with their scent. All I know is that there’s someting in Italian DNA that I cannot refuse; it’s something like a cautious red clashing with a generous green.
“Sort of. I never got used to the way they smelled,” my friend says, edifying me in detail of how and where African Americans smell differnt from what we’re used to as white people. Like smelling different after living in another contry for some time, I had never known this. People talk abotu sights, sounds, tastes, and to a lesser degree our tactile expereinces. We take for granted, however, the power of scent. Perhaps that explains the popularity of WHO Suskind’s relatively poignant effort to encapsulate its power in his novel (and the subsequent film) The Perfume.
The scent of ourselves is not something we can ever experience though. We can never be that objective. The closest example I can envisage is one of our own homes. Frequently we become so accustomed to our domestic surroundings that it’s only when we return from a few days away and open the door that we get a sense of what we might smell like. For instance, you may no longer notice the odor of dogs and cigarette smoke or dust and old books. The heavy odors of ethnic food you’ve cooked or perfume that’s hit the bathroom wall after 14 years of spraying it from the same angle have blended into the fabric, teh architecture. Spring cleaning or even weekly cleaning may do some justice to help prevent or reduce your individual residential smells, but life creates more, and they’re permanent.
Now, living in another country, eating the food of another culture day in and day out, using this culture’s hygienic products like olive shampoo, sandalwood soap and lemon chewing gum, the home that is my body has infused and diffused new scents. What colors they are, I know not. In my mind I see yellow like my hair, green like my eyes, and coppery reds like my skin’s autumnal hues. I have discovered, though, whatever Chinese scents that cause me to diffuse the smell of tofu, green tea and graham crackers, I still smell like home– just not a Chinese home.

One roomate tells me about an experience today of switching from one cab to another. Each driver, it seems, reeks of cheap booze and the lack of a shower.
“They just smell so bad. Why do Chinese people smell so bad?” are common questions among the group of Westerners with whom I associate. I know it’s not just the people they refer to. I know that in the back of their mind they are thinking of the time they walk down the corridor of large public buildings to be olfactorily punched by the odor of stale urine and wastebacskets unwashed after years of collecting menstrual materials. I know they’re thinking of the time they sat in a cab whose driver (inadvertinently?) left bags of wht’s appropriately called stinky tofu in the hot back seat.
The smell of Chinese people doesn’t overwhelm me genreally. (But perhaps that’s because I’m of the persuasion that anything Indian smells good.) Maybe I just expect it more because I’ve been to a small handful of countries other than America. I am well aware of the fact that the often rotten teeth and the repeated use of clothign I see on my students indicates there is a smell not American. They do not bathe themselves in products to mask their natural scent, nor are they obsessed with prcenting scents that naturally occur in a well lived day. They do bathe; I see them carrying their shower caddies from their dorm rooms to places unknown off the university campus. I see them return with wet hair and seemingly glowing faces and skin not covered by their thick winter clthing.
What can be offsetting is their breath. Americans are taught by dentists to brush our teeth three times daily. Gum is sold in stores and newspaper kiosks. Toothbrushes are available at gas stations. Mouthwash is given freely at hotels. But then again the American culture is so obsessed with the image of a perfect outh that teeth whitening has become de facto and availabel in countless methods. Maybe it’s becuse I’m so aware of my homeland’s culture of the cover up that I’m not as easily disgusted by their bad breath. However, i cannot claim to be unaffected.
There is indeed a certain ripple of nausea that runs through me when enclosed with a cab driver who breathes out of his mouth. There is a wave of dizziness that invisbly encircles me when surrounded by a handful of students who want to see their grade at my desk. There is a natural culture-induced tendancy to thrust my head back when a 20-something cashier smiles to reveal a mouthful of half brown teeth.
If I were to allow myself to remain so sensitive about these smells my world travels would be far less enjoyable. I choose to remain ambiguous about them...until one of my students writes in a class assignment that one memorable thing about her teacher (yours truly) is “her American smell.”
Now my suppressed thoughts about the odors of China hit the air, so to speak. What does that mean? What does that mean to a Chinese person?
“She probably meant you smell clean,” says the roommate who is viscerally affected by Chiense olfacfory experiences.
I take stock of what external scents might have preempted this literary statement. I wear scented deoderant, whcih was manufactured in America. I wash and condition my hair with Chinese products. I cleanse my clothing in Chinese laundry detergent and fabric softener. I adorn my face with French and American cosmetics. I chew Chiense mint gum afer smoking the same cigarettes smoked by virtually every man (and few women) in this country.
I smoke. Perhaps that’s it.
I ask students in another class. “What did that student mean when she wrote that I smell like an American?” I’m hoping to glean some cultural insight I’d not bothted to seek from my experience with my ex.
The answer still evades me. The students seemed to think the question was so obvius that it didnt’ require an answer. It was as if I’d asked them if the sky were blue.
I will admit to being taken aback by the student’s literary characterization of me. I am human. If Americans think people from other cultures smell bad, do Chinese people think Americans smell bad?
With their limited English my students inform me that my smell is simply not theirs. Then it dawns on me: If I’m an African American I’m going to possess that scent that my gay friend no longer found desirable. If I’m Italian I’m going to smell lemony and musky. If I’m Indian I’m going to smell like curry and tamarind.
No matter how often I clean my house, no matter how frequently I bathe, no matter if I use scented products, no matter if I eat meat or not, I will always smell like me. I will always smell like home.

26 March 2009

Preaching to Incmates

“The inmates run the asylum,” my supervisor says.
We are at a hole in the wall that serves as a bar, discussing the likelihood that I’ll be fired if I don’t stop acting like a Western teacher. It’s around 7 PM, dark and still so cold that a winter jacket is essential even inside every establishment. Another Westerner who used to teach at the university where my job is threatened is there. His very presence unnerves me. There is no such thing as privacy, let alone propriety in a Communist country– even among the Westerners.
“They don’t want to do homework. They don’t want to use the computer. They don’t know how to debate without thinking you have some political agenda. And if they don’t like you they will do their damndest to get you fired,” Supervisor says. A bottle of red wine before him, he pours himself a glass and offers me some, whcih I gladly take to diminish my edginess. With a bulky sweater on his already bulky body he reminds me of Hemingway. All that’s missing if a fireplace– and an irate temper, I guess. I tell him so, practicing my business etiquette but not without sincerity. “Trust me on this one. You’re doign exactly what I did when I came to China. And what all Westerners who care abotu education do: yu’re trying to teach them to think.”
Is that what I’m doing? I fly through the mental files to recall that conscious thought. Teach them to think... teach them to think... nope can’t find – oh! There it is, filed under a conversation held with a friend over lunch at a favorite restaurant at the University of Chicago, teh day before I left for China. Yes indeed. “I’m gonna teach those Communist kids critical thinking.”
“But I’m not preachign politics. I told you before I will not talk politics,” I say. An objctive listening would hear “No, I’m not!” contradicted with the passion only a critical thinker (hence one who infuses politics into everything she thinks and does).
“Well, you may not be talking abotu Obama or Democrats versus Republicans, but you did have them do a debate on capitalism versus nationalism.”
“That I did. There were debate sujects in the book I was given for class and I... well, I let one evolve. The original debate we did in class was abotu money: is making money more important than nationalism. That worked fine.”
I’m confused. On teh 24-hour drive from Beijing to Huludao, Neil discussed in detail some topics he’d discussed in class and the hoemwork he’s assigned his students. Two thousnad-word essays on the atrocities committed by Chairman Mao, true histories of Taiwan and Hong Kong, freedom on speech and of the press.... And here I was about to be fired to assigning 200-word compositions to debate the topic of nationalism vs. capitalism. Thank gracious I opted that day against implementing a Marxist dictionary entry on art and aesthetics to my Chinese major students!
“Listen, you’re a very intellectual and politically charged American who is used to debating these topics and others like them in university classes since your freshman year. You can have these discussions in America with everyone, especially the creative crowd you hang around with. You’re very libereal and very educated. But you have to dumb it down,” Supervisor says, somethign between a smile and smirk abotu his face.
He makes enough eye contact to let me know he’s talking to me. He does not make enough to cause me to think we’re having a personal heart to heart. This still has to be professional, though his diction wavers between professional and personal. He refills my glass when it’s empty.
“They don’t care abotu these things. They’re dumb. They’re realy dumb. They’re like fifth graders. You have to handle them with kid gloves.”
Kid gloves? I have to handle the 22-year-olds who want to fire me with kid gloves? They call teh shots at the univertsity and I’m supposed to kowtow to them? This is beyond culture shock; this goes against my constitution: I do not kowtow to anyone, but I will handle an editor or publisher with kid gloves. That’s what I understand. That’s what I know, To handle a superior with diplomacy and tact, curtailing my politics when the boss calls for somethign small. It’s my way of holding out til I earn the big stuff. It’s one of those situations where you do it their way for a while until they learn they can trust you and rely on you and then you get the good stuff.
“You just haven’t earned their trust yet,” says the other Westerner, a Canadian who’s been in China illegally for a couple of years.
I’m confused again. Why would they laugh so much in my classes and why would some of my classes almost unanimously turn in their homework if they so disliked me? Why do they show me one face then talk to teh director of the universtiy out of the other side of it? Why would they come to study English privately with me in the teachers lounge at lunch and bring me treats in class? Such duplicity is evidently more obviated in America than in China. Such duplicity I cannot fathom. Duplicity I cannot suffer.
“Look. I’m just telling you what not to do. I’ve learned this after beign fired from two jobs. I’ve been here four years. I’m married to a Chinese woman. I’ve learned a thing or two abotu how to do these things,” Supervisor says. “Just give it some time. For right now, though you will not give hoemwork. You will not have them blgo anything. You will not have any more debates. You will follow the book, unless you can see it’s gonna lead to mroe political upheaval.”
Supervisor tells me to talk to my 22-year-olds abotu fashion, about leading stress-free lives, about health and exercise, abotu wedding customs, about baeball and pop stars. To a person who’s spent the majority of her career hanging out with PhDs, architects and engineers, this sounds absolutly laughable. But I think abotu it more deeply as Supervisor continues to tell how he really cared about shaping these minds to lead China into a new age as I did. He tells me about how he can now somewhat more freely discuss heated topics with students he’s had repeatedly, students who have granted him their trust and who want to go to graduate school and become the next great writer.
“One in a hundred students you have will be like this. Don’t worry abotu the others. If they wnt to work in a facotry or drive a cab after graduation that is not your fault. If they want to remain brainwashed by Communist propoganda and never learn critical thinking, you can’t hep them. If they don’t see the opportunities available to them, that’s not yoru concern. In class discussions, you will lose about a third of your students quickly. Keep talking. Soon enough you’ll lose another third. Keep talking. After a while half of the rest will tune out. Keep talking. You’re still gonna have an impact on those who turn out to be the one in a hundred. When they do something with their lives in 10 or 20 years part of it will be because of something you taught them. But for right now, get your baseball lingo going, and talk to them abotu the Amrican movies you like. Talk tot them abotu yoga and a vegetarian diet. Talk to them about weddings– I know you don’t beleive in marriage but love and marriage is all they can think about. Tell them you don’t want to get married but inform them of American wedding customs. They find it fascinating.”
“My politics have turned from beign disenfranchised by American convention to gritting my teeth over a conversation abotu weddings?”
Supervisor tells me I don’t have to espouse these things. I just can’t act pissed off about them or politicize it to the students.
Kid gloves. Let the inmates run the asylum. All that matters is that I have a job. IN the end, it’s less taxing. I can stop running myself to empty, spending 20 hours a week on homework only to find more to grade. I can focus instead on the other reasons I’m in China: travel, writing, and exploring a culture (in nonpolitical ways). Somehow it makes my job... and my life here... a lot easier. By learnign diplomacy, I would not have guessed that I’d learn to simplify my life.
That was a good lesson. May I have the wherewithal to be able to teach my students so well.

24 March 2009

Not a Sexy Tractor

I'm a long way from the corn fields and cow pastures of Indiana but its music isn't far from me... unfortunately. In fact I'm hiding away in my office to escape it.
My American roommate from Texas is inculcating my Irish roommate into the world of country music. Something by Kenny Chesney, I think (I believe he's a current popular country musician).
"She thinks my tractor's sexy
She loves staring at me
while I’m chugging along"
Whoa doggies!
Maybe they're looking for songs to pick up the ancient farmers who drive by us in their horse-drawn boxes on the main thoroughfares of our city.
I'll stick with Radiohead, Ravi Shankar and Sheryl Crow.

23 March 2009

Staring Problem

While I won’t say we feel like we fit in, we Western teachers have begun to instantly notice the present of other white people. For instance, last week while shopping one of our gang met some American university students. He said he’d been attracted by the sound of female American accents, and recognized that they were not those of me and Laura, and so he introduced himself and invited the ladies and the rest of their bunch to meet all of us.
They accepted and on Saturday, while we teachers were enjoying beers at one of the two bars here who cater to Westerners, in walked about 10 white people. It became clearer (though not transparent) to us what we stir in the Chinese when we are spotted.
“They don’t look like us” or “Hey, those are Westerners” are some of the sentiments expressed when some French, American and other architects and students entered the 8:30 bar.
(I was not personally interested until I saw the Indian architect. What is the chance I’d meet an Indian architect in this non-Western facsimile of a modernized city? Atop those glorious elements, he is very well educated and spent several years studying and working in Europe; he dresses with distinction, and he and I have spoken for hours about internationally renown architects and landscape architects.)

“S T A R I N G... I can’t stop staring”
The following day was a trip back to reality, though. Walking around this city’s downtown area reminds me that I am and will continue to be a novelty to these people. They stop when I exit the cab. They stare, bumping into one another and halting their own conversation when I walk down the street. They forget their direction when finished in line at the hospital pharmacy to stare at my Ray Ban aviator sunglasses, the reflective lenses of which seem to really intrigue them. Children stop you just to say “Nice to met you” once they muster their courage. Young men turn around from a fast walk with their friends just to practice their “Hello!”
At the grocery some 10 locals stopped and stared at my feet and clothing while I shop with my supervisor’s wife, a native who fancies herself somewhat Western (judging by her procurement of clothing and frequent massages and facials). I had finally had enough of being gawked at like an unintentional celebrity. I stopped in front of the awestruck girls and did a sort of jig, showing off my feet.
“Do you like them? They’re amazing, aren’t they? Look at me. I’ll do tricks for you,” I said, knowing they didn’t understand a word of English.
They are constantly looking at my feet. It must have something to do with the fact that none of mine are made in China and therefore are not flimsy high heels. It’s in my Birkenstocks and my Audrey Hepburn-inspired ballerina flats that I receive the most gawks.
“Why, Belinda? Why do they always stare at my shoes?” She looked down at my black patent leather flats. “They think your feet are cold.” Somehow I couldn’t buy that all of these gawkers were concerned for my welfare; I’ve seen them look indifferently upon a dying man and just as easily ignore people tossed from a high-speed vehicle accident, leaving them to die on the highway. No, it wasn’t out of concern that they were staring.
“I mean, look at that,” I said, pointing to billboard after billboard featuring no-name Western models along the store-lined streets. “They see these Westerners all the time; they watch American television; they read magazines about Western pop stars. They look at us like we’re aliens. ‘Oh my God! They exist! They really exist!’ they seem to say. Do you disagree?”
“Well, it’s just that seeing foreigners in this city is not common,” she replied. She must revel in the sight seers at least somewhat; she is married to one, after all. “Does it bother you?”
I had to admit that half the time, yes, it does bother me. Albeit, my bothers are based mostly on American beliefs that staring is rude. I remember being gawked at in Italy, in India and here (don’t recall it so much in Costa Rica, a country being overrun with Americans). It Italy I made it a point to stare back until people realized I disapproved. In India I had fun with it; dancing jigs and laughing with my onlookers, encouraging them to speak in English with me because they loved it so much. But Americans are not supposed to stare at anyone, not Little People, not your weird relatives, not interracial couples, not the person in ethnic garb, and not the child making a fracas in the restaurant.
Here, though...here they turn around to do double and triple takes as you pass them on the street. What are we supposed to do? Do they expect us to break out in song and dance, a la Michael Jackson (who they still revere, by the way)? To start preaching superiority? To start miming scenes from popular movies?
The incessant staring makes me feel like an accidental celebrity. I’m about the pull a Sean Penn– well, maybe just a Britney Spears– and let the curses flow. Thank gracious I don’t get what my roommates do: the camera job. They are frequently asked by Chinese students to have their pictures taken. These are usually just the kind of “Smile and look pretty so I can show all my friends” required of solo standing shots, the kind you take of boys when you’re a teenager, or celebrities on the National Enquirer.
I on the other hand have not been asked for photos (or signatures). The decade I have on these girls must make some difference to the would-be paparazzi. I am far too private for such a thing; and I believe cameras are instruments of the devil, so I avoid photos at almost all costs.
This morning I relieved some frustration at a gawker.
Standing in line to buy a large container of spicy noodles and vegetables, a military man old as dirt seemed unable to turn his head to face front. After waiting there for 10 minutes, I’d had enough of his stare. He would turn to me, stare, stare, stare..., his eyes not moving, boring into me. It didn’t matter if I tried to hide behind someone else. It didn’t matter if I looked away. It didn’t matter if I tried to intimidate him by my reflective sunglasses. The man’s stare was solid.
“Stop staring at me!” I finally said loudly, a few notches below yelling. It was enough to catch his attention, though, as obviated by his surprise that I could actually form words and direct them at him. His eyeballs grew and he jumped a bit, startled. He looked to his friends for a possible explanation, not speaking any English, of course. Then he returned his gaze to me, where this time my furrowed brows and scowl forced the case closed. He didn’t bother me again.
I like my reflective Ray Bans; they force my onlookers to see themselves while protecting my blue-green eyes from their stares. Perhaps I should buy myself a pair of florescent elevator shoes to give them a reason to stare at my feet. Would any of it matter? Not likely, they seem to be able to detect us Westerners from hundreds of feet away, then gather and wait in groups for our arrival.
Hear ye, hear ye, welcome one and all to the Westerners Minstrel Show. Game for anyone with a staring problem.

13 March 2009

I’ve found another passion in life: teaching, Who’d have thunk? Should one have told me a year ago that I’d actually enjoy this I would have thought them ridiculous, having set my opinion at “Never in my life; teaching is for lazy people.” If that is true, consider me absolutely lazy, able to think on my feet when a lesson goes awry or I’ve ill prepared for class or a student group presents a crises, and staying up until 1230 AM on a Friday night to grade school work.
I do believe I’ve found something else I was meant to do with my life. How filled with mutual benefits is teaching. I understand why Gert Lempiss found it rich with rewards. I learn as much fro them as they from me: from how to pronounce the szztt four and about potential visits to cities around China to the national hospital system and even romantic relationships in this country.

12 March 2009

Get on the Bus

My fellow American roommate, Laura, and I will likely be in recovery for days from a bus ride that lasted all of ten minutes. The phrase “Packed like sardines” doesn’t cut it. No, words like violated, abused, revolted... those seem to work better.
Now, it’s more than 45 minutes after being expectorated from the bus and I’m still shaking with my stomach in knots.
I once compared my experience in Frankfurt airport to having a pap smear broadcast on national television. “Never, never will I go through that airport again,” I swore, and to this day I’ve avoided it. But this evening that experience seemed luxurious compared to those ten startling minutes on the bus.
“I wish I had videotape of this moment,” said our Irish roommate Selina. “You two look like you’ve been victimized.”
Laura likened the experience to being born, thrust from the mother’s womb and into the bright lights of a hospital room and the starkness of the world.
That’s far too pleasant an image from my perspective. For I see the womb as warm, safe, comfortable. It’s a place from which you wouldn’t wish to be taken, right? Not so with the bus. In fact I’d call her allegory and mine dichotomous. (I really dislike being crude but the event calls for it and no other words come to mind) the bus ride was more like diarrhea exploding from a rectum or a zit being popped. (Again, my apologies.)
I hadn’t much noticed the sheer volume of passengers riding the public transportation buses. In fact I hadn’t really even contemplated riding a bus (for some reason I truly dislike this form of public transit, though I simply adore the elevated trains and subways in New York, San Francisco and Chicago), opting instead to walk or take a cab. (In India my preference was rickshaws.)
Today was cold, though, and after a very long week, which continues tomorrow with yet another installment of classes, so Laura and I hopped the bus to carry us a mile to our abode. We were especially thrilled to learn from a native teacher who directed us there that the rate equated to about 17 cents.
First there is this: the people who disembark at busstops do not simply get out of the way of those embarking. Meanwhile, those dropping off friends and family and the busstop stand straight in front of the bus doors. Finally, those embarking do so with a relish akin to cows at a stampede. But there’s more. (Surely there must be. Why else would I consider this tantamount to such disgusting before-mentioned images?)
The bus is full. Full does not mean people can freely move their purses or briefcases from one arm to the next. It does not mean that people can read the newspaper. It does not mean that there’s one seat empty. It means that the conductor crushes you in by shoving you, shoving you to a point that would be considered assault in the West. She has to shove you because the bus still has enough air in it for people to actually breathe, and in a fifth of a mile more people will embark, but you have to move somewhere because the bus doors will pop open if you don’t stand atop someone else’s feet. Full doesn’t mean an elevator with six Westerns in it. Full means one hundred people on a bus that doesn’t have a capacity danger sticker on it; there is no such thing as capacity in a country with more than a billion people in it. Full means you’re hanging by one finger onto some railing you were crushed against which will surely leave a bruise, and you can smell bad breath of the men surrounding you but you don’t have enough room even to cringe at the fact that they’re sexually molesting you with their eyes– if not their hands.
“Surely they won’t let another person in,” I thought at the bus stop after ours. Surely. I was wrong.
“Where the hell are they gonna put these people” I say to Laura. She, thank gracious, is directly next to me. No, maybe directly isn’t the right way to say it. Directly would indicate some form of pattern. I just know she’s really close to me. She’s close enough to be able to talk into my ear, but then again so are countless others. I say countless because the sapce was so crammed you could not move your head to be able to get even an estimated count of the number of people who were even touching you, let alone, “directly” next to you. Because she’s some five inches shorter than I, I cannot see her. But because I love her this is a time that brings forth what few maternal instincts I posses, and just knowing she’s as close as she is comforts me.
Still her speech, whcih was something like “OhmyGod OhmyGod OhmyGod!” cannot drown out the conductor who continues to push people onto the bus. Surely at this point it’s gonna turn into a mosh pit; for going up and horizontal is clearly the only way more people can fit. As do they embark, the clear fear of not being able to exit the bus comes to mind. This then lead to my loud cursing.
“God damn it stop shoving me. I am not going anywhere! There is no room!” I finally succumbed to my Western fears of not having enough space and is being trampled to death for the inability to escape the bus.
“That’s us,” said Laura, and somehow I knew she was either pointing or leanign her head in the direction of the buildings of our residential development. “Oh my God! That was us...” she said, at the same time I watched our apartment slip past like some long lost opportunity. “Where do we go now? What do we do? Where is this thing taking us?”
There are milliseconds in traumatic moments like this when you see things in slow motion and logic replaces fear. This was not that millisecond.
While I knew we could easily walk from the next busstop, I was not so clear on how the hell we would get out. All I knew was that we had to get out. Yes, I stand by my earlier statement that escaping that bus was like diarrhea being forced from a rectum.
“Let me oooooouuuttttt!” I would have said– had I been less dazed and traumatized by the event. Instead, when the bus finally stopped after hovering seemingly forever in the slow motion phase, all I remember is butting my head into passengers to remove them from my path. I was coming out, whether you liked it or not. It wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t smooth and solid. It didn’t smell like a rose. But when those doors opened and I shoved my way through, screaming at Laura “Just PUSH!” the sudden stability of terra firma beneath my feet reminded me that soon it would be OK to breathe again.

09 March 2009

American, Malcontent

Though I am officially an ex-patriot, I cannot refute the fact that America has given its citizens the right to be malcontents. Every day I’m in China– or in any other country– I witness the star-studded reputation my country enjoys worldwide. People stare. Those brave enough attempt to use their English skills by something simple as “Hello!”
I just sat in on a class taught by a Kiwi, hoping to soak up some wisdom from his teaching experience. Even there, the difference between Western countries overall and America was striking. A male student I sat beside took the opportunity during the break to ask me where I’m from.
“America?” he nearly yelped, and across his face there arose an intrigue I thought reserved only for the likes of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise or President Obama. It’s that fascination that causes Chinese (and people of other cultures) to stop eating to watch the Americans eat. It causes them to stop their breakneck pace when shopping to take a few steps back and observe the Americans. It’s what causes even babies to stop toddling altogether and stare with large, innocent eyes.
The very idea of their utter amazement baffles me in my own classes. For instance, this morning I asked my English Tourism sophomores what topics they would like me to cover, the answer came loudly, irrefutably: “America!” Music, sports, culture, scenery, attractions, movies! They want it all. “We want to hear what you experience when you live there,” “We want to know what you do for your life there,” “We want to visit America and so we want to be able to talk to Americans like you do,” they tell me.
Surely not everyone across the world thinks so highly of America as America itself, I’ve thought for years. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t wish evil upon my homeland. I do wish it would learn a lesson in humility to refrain from such arrogance and materialism. However, even though it’s caused the global economic crises, it would be hard pressed to learn from its mistakes when everyone around the world continues to tell it of its admirability, its greatness, its desirability.
I have the right to go to countries like China and India with ease. It’s the communal sentiment I seek in travel. I also love to get away from the high and mighty, affluence-infected, more-powerful-than-though demeanor of The World Police America takes itself to be. Don’t get me wrong. I do not seek approval for my decision to travel the world, searching for a less arrogant experience in life; I do, however, not wish to be reminded on a regular and constant basis that the very elitism I left is the very essence that people desire in America.
It’s hard to sympathize with an heiress who’s thumbed her nose at the upper crust and opted to try something less... well, less desirable... but I feel that’s what I’ve done by leaving America. At the heart of the matter is that I could never enjoy America and being an American if I don’t know why it has earned the reputation it has.

08 March 2009


I face certain risks by the following confession, but having sworn to myself that I simply must break down the wall I’ve surrounded my heart with and literarily speak from that very place, I’m willing to leap to and learn from this risk. I thought I was in recovery from the events of 2008. It turns out that I’ve stumbled upon another rock on my journey back to happiness. Unrequited love seems such beautiful agony in the paintings by San Francisco artist Mark Stock; it is not. Unrequited love presents pockets of crushing loneliness. Yesterday he misread my eye contact, first telling me how expressive my eyes are then misreading their expression as condescension; in fact what I felt was curiosity and tenderness, the suffocating desire to kiss him and lie with him, naked and warm, listening to his Kiwi accent and the thoughts floating through his head. The words coming from his lovely fuchsia mouth that spanned widely when he smiled... his love for classical music, his interests in yoga, Marxism and Communism’s materialization, spirituality and its inherent individualism. I wanted to hear more, his words like pearls around my neck.
“Your eyes are quite expressive,” he says after a slight pause in our conversation.
Instantly I looked away, terrified that he’d see what I was feeling, that he’d see my desire for him, my yearning to be alone with him.
“I know. I’ve been told that before. It’s a blessing and a curse.” I returned my gaze to him, dissonant over my simultaneous nervousness and giddiness, afraid those eyes would reveal the pounding of my heart. My face reveals everything; rendering me unable to lie. Yet I tried from the first moment I saw him last night to cloud that. As soon as I laid eyes on him my heart leaped into my throat, but I stumbled not, deliberately walking with confidence and happiness to be surrounded by Westerners. But the second I sat on the bar stool and greeted him, I knew the smile on my face twinkled a bit more than it would had he not been there. In fact I would likely not be there had his name not been mentioned during the invite. Just the sound of his name lured me. The sound alone makes me feel lighter, my heart filled with delight like the bubbles of champagne.
In the end, I was thankful to be sitting at a table with him, though yearning to bridge the physical chasm between us. We began our own conversation, volleying it over the voluminous voices of the four other Westerners around us until I asked him to come sit closer. Just that request was a dangerous one on my part, for of course he’d be able to see my expressions more clearly, be able to see into my eyes more easily, be able to read into my sugary smile possibly. I just had to span that chasm. I just had to. Still it was too large. I wanted more. I wanted to run my fingers through his Sampson curls. I wanted to hold his headband in my hands. I wanted to provide the warmth for which he put on his coat, yet I wanted to take off his clothes to let my eyes– and fingers– linger on his chest.
If my eyes are so expressive, how did he misconstrue this lust for condescension?
“You’re looking at me like ‘Yeah, little one, I’ve already thought of that,’” he said in the midst of our deep, intense conversation.
“Not at all. I was thinking that I’d like to hear more of your thoughts, while we’re lying next to each other in bed,” is what I wanted to say. What I actually said was, “Well, I think a lot. And you’re probably thinking that because you know my age. I’ve had more time to think about things like this.”
Oh God! What is this? I don’t understand. It’s unfair. I ache over this. I am besieged with agony over the thought that my suffering continues, evidently not having my share of it last year. The next day images flood my mind. I recall the difficulty of disguising my sadness when he left the table to take a call from his girlfriend. I remember the disappointment welling within me when he left like lava in a volcano. I had to excuse myself to the restroom just to quell it. I gave thanks for the mirror, looking at myself to see if the desperation were visible, as a scarlet D for desire would appear on my face. I think of every moment I’ve been in his presence, at the restaurant, at the bar, on the phone. I think of the first second I saw him. I think of how much I tease him, which clearly indicates I like him. I think of confiding in my roommate about my feelings for him. I think of how my excitement grows at the very mention of him, so that the news of my feelings has permeated to my other roommate and even to someone at school. I think of how I’ve already made him into a verb, as in “I think what I need is to be AJd.” Oh Jesus this is beyond my scope of comprehension. Unrequited love is not glamorous or enviable; it is profound and painful like boulders bowling over me. How is it that at 35 I’m experiencing a new emotion? Good Christ! How much more emotional maturity must I learn? I expected to learn it to be the person I needed to be for the time I met the man who I’d share my life with. Is life trying to beat me into settling for less? I know he’s out there; I know he’s existent.
I do not understand why life has to be so goddamned difficult. I do not understand why, now that I’m ready for love after four years of evading it, it toys with me. I do not understand why I’m relegated to this loneliness, a loneliness that threatens to asphyxiate me. I am standing at the precipice and he’s on the other side of a canyon; between us is a chasm seemingly unsurmountable. I don’t understand. My heart spills over, spilling tears over my cheeks in the shower. I am completely helpless, damned by hope for love’s return as if a child searching for a mother who abandoned him.
I can do nothing. Yet I risk. I risk that others will learn of my feelings just by reading this blog post. I risk my composure. I risk some sort of integrity because I want something I cannot have.
I knew I would have to travel around the world to find the man I’d be with. I knew it would take me a longer time that most people to find the man I’d be with. I knew he’d be younger with a stick thin physique, dark hair and eyes, likely long hair, and a worldliness. I knew because of Nicolas, the only man I’ve loved, and the man to prove that sometimes love isn’t enough.
When in India I started to listen to the following song by India Arie, the love in that country palpable like a breeze and leading me to a keen awareness that I was journeying to make myself the person I’d need to be to attract the one I wanted. This evening, tears still present upon my cheeks, the need for a sympathetic hug from my roommate growing within, I repeatedly listen to this song.
“Ready for Love”
I am ready for love
Why are you hiding from me?
I’d quickly give my freedom
to be held in your captivity.
I am ready for love
all of the joy and the pain
and all the time that it takes
just to stay in your good grace.
Lately i’ve been thinking maybe you’re not ready for me
Maybe you think I need to learn maturity
They say watch what you ask for cuz you might receive,
but if you ask me tomorrow I’d say the same thing.
I am ready for love
Would you please lend me your ears
I promise I won’t complain,
I just need you to acknowledge I am here.
If you give me half a chance I’d prove this to you.
I will be patient, kind, faithful and true
to a man who loves music,
a man who loves art,
respects the spirit world
and thinks with his heart....

Now that I’ve exploded, expectorating myself emotionally upon this blog at the risk of his and others’ finding out, I suppose it’s time to attempt the healing process by admitting the loss and distracting myself with other activities. I will not try to bury it; that’s not true healing. I will accept it and move on, just as I have moved forward in my healing from last year. I just hope it disappears soon to be merely a memory from which I grow.

06 March 2009

A Stew of Accents

“Never– never– use that word in America. You could easily be seriously hurt,” I told a Serbian friend who asked what Nigger meant.
Here in Huludao, China, I hear it every day. Here, however, it has a more rounded r at the end, if there even is one. The sound is more like “Nigga.” When students approach me after class they often stumble through their English by throwing in a few niggas. And yes, to those of us white Americans who don’t speak Mandarin Chinese, it does throw you off a bit at the beginning.
Nigga means um. Already things have happened to my speech that an American would question; it’s common among people who teach their language to others. For instance, my Irish roommate explained that when she returns home her friends have to wait for her normal pace of speech to catch up to theirs. They wait patiently as she stresses every syllable and enunciates each word as if still talking to non-native speakers. I hope that when I return to another country, or even when I speak to my friends and family back home, that my speech quickly resumes its natural pace... and that I don’t sprinkle my sentences with niggas.
“Ni hao ma? Nigga, um, sorry. How... are you? How... good... it is... to speak... to... you!” Instead of, “Heythere! Howareya?”

We Western teachers come from several countries, which often leads to bantering about lingo and accents and rather interesting dinner conversation. For instance, upon meeting AJ, a Kiwi, I hadn’t had time to adjust to his accent and knew nothing about him when my ears stumbled upon one particular word. In the US we use a short E sound when saying bed, but in words like bead or beard we run the E and A together.
Was this 20-something with scrappy, haywire facial hair tantamount to an adolescent’s talking about a beard in the sense of what a man grows or in the sense of what a closeted gay man marries? It’s true the Chinese “don’t believe” in homosexuality, but I found it difficult to believe that a Westerner, who spends most of his time around other Westerners, would go to such lengths.
“Bearding?” I asked playfully.
“Bedding,” he said, slightly abashed bc of his accent. “Does it really sound like bearding?”
“Oh,” I said, slightly pausing as I glanced subtly at the woman to his left, who was introduced as his girlfriend. “Yeah, because of the way you upturn the E. Your E sounds like America’s EA.”
The Irish roommate (who, when she speaks, reminds me of Sheena Easton’s appearances on Miami Vice) has reintroduced my Texan roommate and me to the word douchebag. My ears perked up and my head cocked to the side like a dog hearing a foreign sound the moment she said it.
“Douchebag... douchebag...” I repeated to myself aloud, as if somehow repeating it would help the word take root. Instead, I just felt like I’d stepped back 25 years to watch some early John Cusack movie.
But then I think, “What must these Westerners think of me?” Here I’m bringing influences from all over the world– words and phrases from India, Italy, Germany, and France. There arises a strict, highly enunciated pronunciation from 20 years of speaking Spanish in school, big city restaurants, watching Hispanic films and traveling to Costa Rica. (This particular language is the one I inadvertently slip into when I’m stuck for a word in Chinese. It is also an easy one to employ when complaining aloud to myself about a class’ or student’s disorderly conduct.) I slide into Italian when cursing. With virtually no Chinese linguistic currency to my name I laboriously employ a Chinese accent to describe what I’m looking for at the grocery. For instance, dumplings becomes dum-lin, with one word stressed down and the other stressed up like a V. Surely, a while after I return Stateside, I’ll be back to pronouncing dumplings with the accent on the first syllable and all letters addressed. For now, however, my questions have grown an upward curve thanks to the influence of my fellow Australian and New Zealand teachers. Soon there will likely develop a verbal adoption of the ooohs and eeews of my roommate’s Irish, and hopefully my Chinese verbal lexicon will grow. I just hope I can dig into my Midwestern American accent (where the A in Chicago is pronounced like A in apple).

28 February 2009

Retort to Zeck's comment from original "Day at the Salon"

Why is it I don't find myself compelled to snap some pics? Perhaps it's because some part of me is insistent upon using this blog as a literary device. I'm forcing my readers to use their imagination, encouraged by my literary skill. I also burned myself out with my last blog, SpaceDesignJournal.com, in which I incorporated myriad media forms to seemingly no avail. Nonetheless, I shall eventually buy batteries and start exercising my photographic skills for this blog and other purposes.

26 February 2009

An addendum to "A Day at the Salon"

Today marks RR day. Don't know what it stands for but it's evidently a largely celebrated concept here. Something about the digits in today's date bringing fortune.... Some people dress in traditional Chinese attire and dance around the central district. Others light fireworks throughout the day and into the dark skies at night. Still others manifest their superstitious belief that to get a haircut brings a year of fortune.
My roommate was one of the latter. She went to the same salon that turned my head into an orange. As a Mexican American she has course hair, dark as potting soil and highlighted blonde, just beyond shoulder length. Since the stylist didn't seem to recall the element of symmetry when trimming her locks, she will not be returning.
We have agreed to travel to Beijing or another cosmopolitan city that's entered the 21st century of hair styling and has experience in Western hair styles.
While she did end up having to take scissors to her some strands inadvertently left longer than others, at least she didn't end up looking like an orange. However, he did learn from his lesson in undercharging me; he asked how much it would cost if she had it done in the States. Ooops. Her year of good fortune seems to have a sense of humor.

24 February 2009

The Face of Despair

Something in her face struck me like a blow to the stomach. Only one who’s been through an emotional trauma that leaves you speechless and unable to dig your thoughts out of the quagmire can appreciate the depths of that blow. Some things happen and force us to loosen our grips on control. Some things happen that take the reigns clear out of our hands. Some things happen that strike us so deep as if to place us forever at the bottom of a canyon, one from which we cannot fathom ascending, cannot but take the new emotional terrain as but a new course in our lives. We think it’ll never end. Our thoughts become like a car stuck in a snow bank. We are unsure of how to extract ourselves. Fail too much to one side and we fall off teh cliff, gone entirely forever. Fail too much on the reverse side and we face another certain death in teh uncoming traffic.
These snowbanks don’t appear when we’re climbing, riding high on teh ascent. No. They appear only when we’re already traversing teh clope, face down. We begin to travel downward like the proverbial snowball, spirallin gin further and further into the abyss in a series of irregular circles. UNpatterned, irreparably imprecise until we find that rock at the bottom.
With each steppe down teh moutain we think we’ve hit a plateau from which to recover. We can dust ourselves off, take a breath, and contemplate how best to right ourselves. But then the wind blowsagain, bringing with it mroe cursed snow upon whcih we stumble and fall again to steppes further down, down, down. Rock bottom finally succumbs to Dante’s Inferno as you realize that life has decided to take you for a ride. You have no control. You are not divine. You are but a speck of dust flying through the breeze.
It was as the gates of hell opened that I was forced to check my spiritual beliefs. Even if they were but a patchwork from the cognitive dissonances expereinced to then in my life. Even if they were but pieced together from my explorations of systems and gods and forces. To rckon teh emotional turbulence, you resort to practicing logic again. But after skidding further down the spiral, bumping into boulders, sped up by the slime of life’s backside, you are tossed against fossilized trees of hope that stand like skeletons of hope’s ruin. You can make no sense of this. Hope is that light that lead you along the road with the snowbank. It is up there. You are falling down, down, down intot he valley of despair.
Then watery images begin to appear. You see one on your rapid descent, noticing it long enough to smartly distract you from the terror of absolute loss of control. A pair arrive then. They begin to form patterns of hues, of textures. When another and another race past like small towns from the window of a bullet train, you begin to notice they are a face, a woman’s face. A slack jawline, an eye green shaded like a faded meadow, a nose not bulbous nor slight, a forehead with the beginnings of age. But who is it? Another round about the spiral and you’ve pieced it together.
She is you. She is the you not created by ego, a character not defined by profession or intellect, a solitary being who cannot by defined by a mirror’s image. When the face’s puzzled has pieced itself together she looks at you, revealing an older person, a wizened being. There is a loneliness, a sadness expressed in her countenance that only you can read. Such dread, some sadness, such rage and disillusionment appears that you reach out to her.
And upon the simple thrust of your conciliatory hand slows your descent.
You find your throat constricted, dry. But you ask, “Who are you?”
“Hope,” she says, and her wishes for a smile and warmth radiate like echoes in this canyon of despair.
Just then a small, foggy beam of light centers itself when your fingers connect. You both look up at the tunnel you’ve lost yourself in. The descent ceases like a creaky elevator reaching terra firma.
There it is. The light of hope.
It is only now that I have rediscovered the light of hope again that I can recognize that face that once struck such a crippling blow. Hope is the you beyond characterization and preconceived notions, beyond self-fulfilling imagery and societal roles. Hope is the recognition of yourself beyond all your fears.
Hope is the the light needed to guide your way, and only you can keep it alive.